Please make sure you have added the required classes.
In its simplest form, you can use the following to set up the paginator.
You can use the following chainable methods to customise the final pagination links.
# sets the total number of items in the collection - e.g. 100
# sets the current page. By default, the class looks for the page value in the GET query string.
# sets the number of items to show per page. Default = 20
# sets the separator (if using). Default '...'
# sets the screen reader class. Default 'true', but you may need to set it to false if you are using your own custom css.
# sets the Bootstrap 4 pagination link class to small
# sets the Bootstrap 4 pagination link class to medium
# sets the Bootstrap 4 pagination link class to large
# sets the Bootstrap 4 alignment class to left
# sets the Bootstrap 4 alignment class to center
# sets the Bootstrap 4 alignment class to right
# sets the flag to show the separator
# sets the flag to hide the separator
# sets the next text string - Default: 'Next'
# sets the previous text string - Default: 'Previous'
# hides the 'Next' link
# shows the 'Next' link
# hides the 'Previous' link
# shows the 'Previous' link
# sets a prefix text for each page link: {prefix} {page number} {suffix}
# sets a suffix text for each page link: {prefix} {page number} {suffix}
# sets the flag to retain the query string for each page link.
# sets the flag to ignore the query string when building the links
# sets the number of pages BEFORE the separator
# sets the number of pages AROUND the active page
# sets the URL pattern - Default $pattern: ?page=(:num)- $replacement: (:num)
$pagination->pattern($pattern, $replacement);
# The class will replace the $replacement token in the $pattern with the actual page number