Please make sure you have added the required classes.
In its simplest form, use the following to connect:
# your imap user name
define('IMAP_USERNAME', '');
# your imap password
define('IMAP_PASSWORD', '');
# your imap address EG. {}
define('IMAP_MAILBOX', '');
# the path to save attachments to or false to skip attachments
define('ATTACHMENT_PATH', __DIR__ . '/attachments');
# create a new Reader object
# use one or more of the following chain-able methods to filter your email selection
# alias for mailbox($mailbox)
# sets the mailbox to return emails from. Default = INBOX
# retrieve a specific email by id
# get all RECENT emails
# get all FLAGGED emails
# get all UNFLAGGED emails
# get all UNANSWERED emails
# get all DELETED emails
# alias for UNSEEN()
# get all UNSEEN emails
# get all emails from $email
# get all emails with $string in the subject line
# get all emails with $string in the body
# get all emails with $string TEXT
# get all SEEN emails
# alias for SEEN()
# get all NEW emails
# get all OLD emails
# get all emails with $keyword KEYWORD
# get all emails without $keyword KEYWORD
# get all emails received before $date. *Date should be in a format that can be parsed by strtotime.*
# get all emails received since $date. *Date should be in a format that can be parsed by strtotime.*
# get all emails sent to $to
# get all emails with $string in the BCC field
# get all emails with $string in the CC field
# get all emails received on $date. *Date should be in a format that can be parsed by strtotime.*
# limit the number of emails returned to $limit for pagination
# used with limit to create pagination
# order the emails returned in ASCending order
# order the emails returned in DESCendeing order
# get all emails (default)
# finally make the connection and retrieve the emails.
# You can then loop through $imap->emails() for each email.
foreach($imap->emails() as $email){
# The email has been clean and formated.
# see below.
# Reset the reader and connect to another folder.
# You can also create a folder/mailbox on the IMAP stream.
$imap->createFolder('New Folder Name');
$imap->createMailbox('New Folder Name');
# You can also check if a mailbox/folder exists on the IMAP stream using:
if ($imap->doesMailboxExists('INBOX')) {
return "Yes, it exsits";
} else {
return "No, it doesn't exist.";
# ... your code here ...
} catch (Exception $e){
echo $e->getMessage();
While looping through the returned emails, each email object can be used as below:
# Return true if the email is to $email, else returns false
# Returns an array of Reply To email addresses (and names)
# Returns an array of CC email addresses (and names)
# Returns the recipient email address
# Returns the id of the email
# Returns the size of the email
# Returns the date in the $format specified. Default Y-m-d H:i:s
# Returns the email subject
# Returns the sender's name, if set.
# Returns the sender's email address
# Returns the plain text body of the email, if present
# Returns the html body of the email, if present
# Returns true/false based on if the email has attachments
# Returns an array of EmailAttachment objects
# Returns an attachment based on the given attachment $id
# Returns true/false based on the recent flag
# Returns true/false based on the unseen flag
# Returns true/false based on the flagged flag
# Returns true/false based on the answered flag
# Returns true/false based on the deleted flag
# Returns true/false based on the draft flag
# Returns the email in .eml format
# Saves the email in .eml format
# Returns number of emails in folder
The $email->attachments();
method returns an array of attachments belonging to the email in a benhall14\phpImapReader\EmailAttachment
object. The following methods are available for each attachment.
# check if the current $email has any attachments.
# get the attachments for the current $email in the loop.
$attachments = $email->attachments();
# loop through the found attachments.
foreach($attachments as $attachment){
$attachment->id(); # Returns the attachments ID.
$attachment->name(); # Returns the attachments name.
$attachment->filePath(); # Returns the local file path for the attachment. This is based on the ATTACHMENT_PATH constant set in the imap config.
$attachment->content(); # Returns the attachments content data.
$attachment->type(); # Returns either 'attachment' or 'inline'.